7 Tips on Building and Running a Marketing Strategy for 2023

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The digital marketing industry right now has a value of just over $400 billion and is set to keep growing by 17% each year until 2026! It’s a vast global enterprise, and success has to be earned with hard work. 

Part of being successful in the field depends on the best use of SEO, SEM, Facebook advertising, Google Ads, and other growth-hacking tricks to thrive. The other part is to avoid critical digital marketing mistakes.

Learn how to take your business’s content marketing to the next level in 2023 by checking out our 7 tips for running great digital marketing strategies.

1. Automate as Much as Possible

Your digital marketing budget isn’t only made of the cash resources you can spend on a client’s project. You and your staff also have limited time and attention to spend on marketing campaigns. Luckily, you can use tools in your marketing campaigns and your business to free up a lot of time.

Using a tool to upload posts on a schedule can help you block time off to schedule your uploads for the week or month. Then all you have to do is set a reminder for the next time you have to schedule the next batch. This way, you can also set posts to go up when time zones with bigger audiences will be the most engaged.

You don’t have to stop with marketing software, however. You can also automate your billing process and save time and wages for administration staff.

2. Set Goals for Your Digital Marketing

When you design marketing campaigns for old and new clients, you first need to figure out what they’re trying to achieve with marketing. Creating brand awareness, increasing lead generation, growth hacking, and hyping up events are some examples of the end goals your clients will have for their marketing needs.

Once you have the goal, you can work out the tactics you’ll use to get there. Increasing web traffic means SEO and SEM, while social media is more useful for lead generation and brand awareness. This will also allow you to set up a timeline for your campaign.

3. Select a Platform with the Consumer in Mind

How old a person is and where they are in the world has a huge influence on the way they use the internet.

In step two, we set goals for the marketing campaign, and part of the goal-setting phase is either finding out which demographics already like the customer’s product or finding out how to target new prospective clients.

Understanding your chosen demographic can further pinpoint where on the internet to target content (with hashtags and such tactics) and what kind of content to create.

For instance, companies that do B2B sales favor LinkedIn, while retailers or drop shippers with a focus on a Gen Z clientele will find much more success on TikTok and Instagram. Facebook users are predominantly women, while YouTube is better for targeting a male audience.

You can use this kind of detailed information to create content compatible with the chosen platform, which is also easier on your digital marketing budget than oversaturating every avenue on the internet.

4. Use Visuals to Their Fullest

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, a truism that applies to digital marketing just as easily as it applies to photography and art.

Having engaging content for the content marketing part of your campaign is one of the few digital marketing tools every campaign should use, and there are a few ways you can go about making the most of your visual content.

The most fundamental element is creating graphic content (pictures and videos) that fits your product, your values, and your clients’ sensibilities. One step up from that is making graphic content that directs clients in the same way as a call to action (CTA) gives direction in SEO content.

For example, embedding a link that adds a product to a checkout cart within the block that displays the product’s price. You can even design an engaging website that customers enjoy using. Not only does this help sell more goods and services, but it also helps foment the notion that you run a reputable and quality business.

5. Using Social Media and Search Engine Advertising

Using Google and Facebook advertising services should be another staple tool in most marketing campaigns. Search engine marketing, like Google Ads, helps your business do better in searches. Integrating your business’s location (if it has a physical location) and ratings onto Google maps improves this strategy even more.

Facebook and other social media sites offer even more advanced targeting options. This way, you only have to spend money getting your content in front of an audience that would engage.

6. Manage Your Digital Marketing with a Calendar

When you’ve set goals, decided on strategies, and made plans, then you shouldn’t be posting haphazardly. A content calendar will help you post content with the right themes and hashtags in the right part of your product cycle or during the right season in the year.

For example, a business would want all of its Halloween content to be posted by the 25th of October.

7. Track Metrics Closely and Avoid Digital Marketing Mistakes

The last thing you’ll want to do is refrain from making content with a clear political, religious, or ideological flavor (unless your business is specifically for a certain group). If you want to be accessible to everyone, then you want to stick to non-controversial content with a neutral tone.

If you do this and monitor your engagement metrics closely, then you’ll be able to stay on top of your marketing campaign.

For instance, if you notice a certain type of content does poorly with your largest demographic, then you can adjust your approach.

Do Well with Your Digital Marketing 

Marketing businesses online is a must in the 2020s. Without good digital marketing, most new businesses won’t make it or make it as big. However, digital marketing is a complex enterprise for new business owners and can be daunting.

Making a plan, setting goals, and then creating content in line with those goals is a great way to break digital marketing into small and easier steps. Using a calendar and automation to stay on target improves the chances of success even more. 

It’s much easier to run a successful digital marketing campaign with an experienced partner. If you’re looking for such a partner, we can organize a custom marketing campaign for your business. Learn more about us today.

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