7 Strategies For Effective Content Marketing

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If you’re among the 70-73% of small businesses smart enough to use content marketing, it’s important to stand out above the competition. To do this, you’ll need to understand what makes an effective advertising strategy and what strategies you can use to boost brand awareness.

Here, we’re going to talk about some strategies that will improve your conversion rates. Read on to stand out to your target audience.

1. Research Your Target Audience

Data-driven analysis is the first step of any successful content marketing strategy.

Analytics tell you about consumer behaviors so that you can tailor content to your target audience. You’ll learn about their values, pain points, needs, and interests.

You can use this information to create an accurate buyer persona. This fictional character will describe your #1 ideal target buyer. Then you’ll tailor your advertising efforts to their best interests.

With analytics, you’ll also be able to see what’s successful with target buyers versus what’s unsuccessful. You can see what pages on your website have the highest bounce rate and which lead to the most conversions. This lets you figure out what you’re doing right so you can emulate it.

2. Design Your Website Correctly

Once you know your audience, you can create a website that’s perfectly tailored to their interests. You’ll design a logo in the colors and shapes that appeal to them. You’ll use a font that will go over well with your audience and take images that they’ll find engaging and intriguing.

For example, professional SaaS companies may identify their target market as 30- to 40-year-old corporate businessmen. These people may want a professional website in neutral tones that has formally written content.

But this design won’t go over well with a fashion brand that’s targeting 20-year-old women. They’ll think it’s drab. They’ll want the funky colors and bright images that corporate higher-ups would see as unprofessional.

A web design expert can help you create a mood board for your web design project. They’ll assess data about your target market and incorporate the necessary tone and inspiration into this digital layout. You’ll be able to get a clear picture of your website before launching it and perfectly tweak it to match your brand message.

3. Prioritize High-Quality Content

When you google “content marketing,” one of the first phrases you will likely see is “content is king.” This is 100% true. You need to optimize your blog posts, product pages, and navigation system with:

  • Interesting information that directly hooks your audience
  • Short and direct sentences/paragraphs
  • Easy-to-read bulleted lists (like this one!)
  • Relevant intel on how your business can solve their pain points
  • Details about your products and services
  • How your brand is different from competitors

Expert content writers can help you achieve your goals, and Red Stone Studio knows how to create fluff-free content that converts.

4. Don’t Shirk Multimedia Content

People process images 60,000 times faster than text. Most consumers also want to see easily digestible videos from their favorite brands.

You need to incorporate product photos, infographics, and animated shorts into your web design. This will keep people interested so they scroll longer and follow your lead magnets. It will also get you more shares on social media.

Content with visuals gets three times more shares and 94% more views than image-free content.

5. Understand SEO, PPC, and How They Coexist

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an organic content marketing strategy. You manipulate various aspects of your website to make it more appealing to Google crawlers. These crawlers index the web and determine what pages to rank higher in search engine results.

Search engine marketing (SEM) generally comes in the form of pay-per-click (PPC) ads. These advertisements appear as paid pages on Google when someone makes a related search engine query. You’re likely familiar with them as “sponsored posts” or “paid ads.”

SEO takes about six months to take effect, but the ranking remains for years. You don’t need to pay again.

PPC ads take effect immediately and can get you through the months before your SEO strategy starts to work. But after your pre-set budget runs out because enough people have clicked on your ad, you’ll need to pay again.

PPC ads also improve your SEO since they drive inbound traffic. Using both strategies at once with a content marketing expert is a win-win.

6. Do Keyword Research the Right Way

SEO and SEM both rely on keywords to reach their target audience. When you put relevant keywords into an SEO-optimized blog post, this lets Google crawlers know what you’re looking to rank for. They’ll know what queries your page should appear under.

To get PPC ads in the right place, you’ll also need to figure out the most relevant keywords to your business. You’ll bid on these keywords so that your ad shows up there when you win a bid.

You’ll use a tool like SEMrush to find a keyword with a search volume of 100+. Higher numbers are better. This keyword/phrase also needs to have the lowest keyword difficulty (KD) possible.

Even better, you could just leave this process to content marketing experts. They know the ins and outs of finding great keywords that drive real traffic. You’ll save time and ensure you get good results.

7. Incorporate Social Media Marketing

Social media is also important when marketing content. Most people spend over 2.5 hours a day on social media apps. Therefore, Facebook ads, Instagram reels, and TikTok tools are great ways to reach people who scroll idly.

They also are awesome for targeted marketing. You’ll choose the platforms that your target market is most likely to be on based on real-time demographic research. You can also target certain age, income, or interest groups within the apps.

Influencer marketing is also great for brands leveraging social media. Pick someone with a big platform that includes a lot of your target demographic. Pay them to use your product or talk about why it’s great.

People are more likely to buy something if they see someone they trust and respect using it!

Boost Your Conversions

Now that you know some effective ways to boost your content marketing strategy, it’s time to make a name for yourself. Red Stone Studio is committed to helping you raise brand awareness by implementing a top-notch marketing plan for your business.

Our team is well-versed in web design, data-driven website research, and creating blog posts and PPC ads that convert. Contact us today to discuss your specific needs and start creating quality content.

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